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Alarcão V, Stefanovska-Petkovska M, Virgolino A, Santos O, Costa A. Intersections of Immigration and Sexual/Reproductive Health: An Umbrella Literature Review with a Focus on Health Equity. Social Sciences. 2021; 10(2):63.
Alarcão V, Candeias P, Pintassilgo S, Machado FL. Exploring Inequalities in HPV Vaccine Uptake among Cape Verdean Immigrant and Portuguese Native Women. Medical Sciences Forum. 2021; 5(1):21.
Alarcão V, Stefanovska-Petkovska M, Candeias P, Pascoal P. M. Exploring Intersectional Variations in Sexual Pleasure, Sexual Autonomy, and Important Correlates. Social Sciences. 2022, 11, 496.
Neves, J. (2022). Becoming a Migrant Mother: An Intersectional Approach to the Narratives of Cape Verdean Women in Portugal. Social Sciences, 11(2), 55.
Brochura (online e impressa) com os objetivos, desenho de investigação e principais indicadores e resultados do projeto FEMINA.
Alarcão, V., Pintassilgo, S. & Machado, FL (Orgs.) (2024). Saúde Sexual e Reprodutiva num Portugal Multicultural: Olhares Pluridisciplinares. Edições Afrontamento.
Alarcão V, Stefanovska-Petkovska M, Virgolino A. et al. Fertility, Migration and Acculturation (FEMINA): a research protocol for studying intersectional sexual and reproductive health inequalities. Reproductive Health. 2019; 16: 140.
Candeias P, Alarcão V, Stefanovska-Petkovska M, Santos O, Virgolino A, Pintassilgo S, Pascoal PM, Costa AS and Machado FL (2021) Reducing Sexual and Reproductive Health Inequities Between Natives and Migrants: A Delphi Consensus for Sustainable Cross-Cultural Healthcare Pathways. Front. Public Health 9:656454.
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